
Colloidal Silver and Gold

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Colloidal silver

A simple suspension of microscopic silver particles in ultra-pure water... nothing more.This is called colloidal silver and it is one of the best natural remedies there is.It is capable of killing most pathogenic microbes and viruses, speeding up the healing of wounds and burns, treating skin and allergies, stimulating natural defenses, purifying water...

The antibiotic before... antibioticsColloidal silver was used intensively by doctors for nearly half a century until the early 1940s. Forgotten after the invention of synthetic antibiotics, it has made a strong comeback now that antibiotics seem to be losing the war against infection. Its "magical" action is backed by solid scientific evidence, with doctors stating: "Silver is our best weapon against microbes" – Dr. Harry Margraf, (Washington University, St. Louis). "Silver even kills antibiotic-resistant strains and stimulates skin healing." – Dr. Robert Becker, (Syracuse University, New York). Most antibiotics, prescribed by doctors, only kill a portion of disease-causing agents, whereas colloidal silver is effective against approximately 650 diseases (research by Dr. Henri Crooks).

The medical uses of silver in historyThe germicidal and bactericidal properties of silver-metal have been known since antiquity. Greeks, Persians and Romans used it in domestic life fluently. They used silver containers to store various liquids (water, wine, etc.) for sovereigns and aristocracy. These liquids kept their freshness and qualities longer than in other containers. Silver was also used to make table and kitchen utensils, a tradition that has continued to this day.Why not choose another metal, less expensive: our ancestors understood that thus regularly infiltrating tiny particles of silver helped to strengthen immunity to certain diseases. Of course, this practice was based only on empirical knowledge.It is certainly the tradition of British tea, boiled water served in silver teapots, that has allowed Britain to survive the terrible miasma of its colonies, both in India, Hong Kong and everywhere elsewhere. It was common to place silver coins at the bottom of containers containing milk or food to preserve the freshness, a method adopted in the 19th century by American pioneers. Very recently, in the second half of the 20th century, when pharmacists prepared potions or ointments in the back shops, they put a silver foil at the bottom of the pot.Are Albert Schweitzer, NASA, or American Hospitals Poisoners, The foundation of these popular practices has been demonstrated by modern research. Metal silver has been found to dissolve in water at a rate of about 10 parts per billion, or 10 micrograms per liter, and this extremely low dose (0.01 ppm) kills E. coli and salmonella. This is the very principle of Colloidal Silver.In 1928, reconnecting with tradition, GA. Krause had the idea of placing a silver coating in the filtration systems for domestic use. In 1929, Dr. Albert Schweitzer reported that all pathogens were eliminated when the water was treated with silver particles carrying an electrical charge. The term colloidal silver was not yet in use. He also demonstrated that this treatment was not harmful to beneficial microorganisms.Today, the best water filters use silver to avoid filter candle contamination, and many airlines use this filter on board their aircraft. NASA has chosen a silver colloid water treatment system for its space shuttles. Russians also use colloidal silver to sterilize water on board space shuttles.In the United States, some cities have chosen silver for the treatment of wastewater and swimming pools. In Nebraska, the effectiveness of colloidal silver has been demonstrated by decontaminating a pool voluntarily polluted by E. coli. Passing through filters equipped with silver electrodes, this water was completely purified within 3 hours.Studies have found that internal water distribution networks in hospitals are primarily responsible for "Legionnaire's disease", a kind of pneumonia, acquired at the hospital.Most major US hospitals have installed silver / copper ionization systems, which have eradicated legionella pneumophilia from their hot water systems. These systems are of course perfectly approved by the authorities concerned.

Colloidal silver, an alternative to antibioticsSilver in its antibiotic and disinfectant application has been abandoned, following the fashion of antibiotics.But the systematic use of these antibiotics has led to the appearance of new strains of resistant bacteria.Needless to say that,strains of staphylococcus aureus resistant to methicillin and other antibiotics are endemic in hospitals.The appearance of vancomycin-resistant enterococci is noted; these bacteria infect wounds, urinary tract and other sites.Currently, approximately 30% of pneumonic streptococcal isolates are resistant to penicillin, the drug primarily used to treat this infection. More than 30% of gonorrhea isolates are resistant to penicillin or latetracycline, or both.Resistance to chloroquine (a drug used in the treatment of malaria) has appeared in most parts of the world.Strains of tubercle bacilli resistant to numerous drugs have emerged over the past decade.In developing countries where resistant strains of highly pathogenic bacteria, such as Shigella dysenteria, Campylobacter, E coli, appear. Recently, Salmonella typhimurium, resistant to ampicillin, streptomycin, tetracycline, sulfa and chloramphenicol, has caused diseases in Europe, Canada and the United States.Recent studies have reported the resistance of Candida species to fluconazole, a drug widely used to treat systemic fungal diseases.Thanks to its natural antimicrobial effect, silver must now resume its proper place.It is in colloidal form that silver proves to be the most effective, the best assimilable and without toxicity.Colloids are those extremely fine particles * that do not deposit in tissues and remain in suspension for immediate cell availability.The most important circulating fluids (blood and lymph) are themselves of a colloidal nature.One observation has shown that pathogenic microorganisms that have been immunized against antibiotics become numb after the administration of colloidal silver.The development of colloidal solutions is a matter of high technology use, and is controlled by electron microscopy, Glow Density Mass Spectrometry (GDMS), and atomic absorption.These solutions must not present any trouble. The particles must be invisible, and no deposit must appear.The negative electric charge of the particles causes these particles to remain in suspension in the water and do not require stabilizers, no proteins and no preservatives.Once in the body, these particles are attracted electromagnetically by the particles. Diseased areas, cross cell membranes and act as catalysts by inhibiting destructive enzymes. * Colloidal silver is a solution of silver particles whose fineness is between 1 and 9 nm (nanometer) in diameter (1,000 nm = 1 micron), in distilled water extended to a resistivity close to 25 mS (micro Siemens).

How does silver work?With reference to medical scientific communications, colloidal silver can be close to the action of a broad-spectrum antibiotic.Its presence initiates an enzyme, which acts locally against each bacterium, each unicellular, each fungus and each virus by modifying their acid-base balance, and installs an external resistance.By this, these organisms become inactivated in a contact time of about 6 minutes, sometimes less.They regress in their cyclogenesis, then die.This has been verified by the UCLA laboratory (California State University) and by the work of Dr. Robert O'Becker, Syracuse University Medical Center (NY, USA). Polymorphic microbes, as well as mutants, are also sensitive to this colloid.The majority of antibiotics, on medical prescription, only kill a part of the agents causing diseases, while the colloidal silver is effective against about 650 diseases (work of Dr. Henri Crooks).

And on what diseases it acts?The list of diseases that can be treated with colloidal silver is so long ... that I prefer to summarize it so as not to tire you.Basically, colloidal silver can treat all inflammations (conditions that end in "itite"), skin problems, wounds, mycoses of all types, all bacterial or microbial infections, it is finally a amazing remedy preventative against all pathologies of winter.

How to use colloidal silver?

External useApply directly on wounds or abrasions of the skin, against eczema, burns, mosquito bites acne, warts, fungal infections and open wounds In sprays, for the nose and throat.In inhalation, for pulmonary problems.In intestinal or vaginal enemas: add 2 teaspoons in enema water.In gargles in septic diseases of the mouth ( pyorrhea, tonsillitis, canker sores), and against all inflammations of the oral cavity.Eyes: 1 drop in each eye, several times a day against inflammatory and irritative conditions (conjunctivitis).Contact lenses are not an obstacle.Ears: a few drops in the ears. Infected sinus: spray or drops in the nose.To purify drinking water: put 1 teaspoon of colloidal silver per liter of water and wait 10 minutes before drinking.Animal: a few drops on the affected areas (parasites) .Plants: spray to fight attacks of bacteria, viruses and fungi, and add in addition to watering water (1 tablespoon for 250 ml of water).

Internal useIt should be remembered here that the use of colloidal silver for internal use is prohibited in France.In fact, in the absence of sufficient data on this mineral input, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) could not comment on this type of supplement and this form of input was therefore not included in the annexes of Regulation (EC) 1170/2009.Therefore, food supplements containing them can no longer be marketed within the European Union.However, colloidal silver has been clinically tested successfully in the US.According to the very strict FDA (Food and Drug Administration), colloidal silver can be marketed and used to fight against microorganisms.Millions of people around the world treat themselves with colloidal silver and show the benefits of this product.Although marketed in the form of a cosmetic product, nothing prevents citizens from consuming colloidal silver as they see fit.And if they wanted to do it internally, despite the ban, it would then be necessary to respect this dosage:Adults: 1 tablespoon (1 spoon = 5ml) 3 to 4 times a day, keep a few minutes in the mouth before swallowing.Children: 1 to 2 teaspoons to 1 teaspoon depending on age, 3 to 4 times a day.

How to choose colloidal silver?The medical literature has focused on colloidal silver concentrations of the order of 5 mg / l with which no adverse effects have been reported to date.No intolerance in connection with medical treatment was observed.The cure can be taken together with an antibiotic or anti-inflammatory treatment.As colloidal silver does not accumulate in the body, no deposit is formed under the skin and the integuments do not reveal any grayish trace. Most manufacturers offer different forms of concentration.In general, they range from 6 mg / l to 30 mg / l. The lowest concentration seems perfectly suitable for skin problems.But most therapists prescribe a concentration of 15 mg / l and it is better to avoid concentrations higher than 30 mg / l.A quality colloidal silver is recognizable by its color or lack of color: the solution can be very slightly golden, but not brown.This tasteless and odorless solution can be used in pregnant or breastfeeding women.When you taste the product, it must have a slight metallic taste.For a good conservation of several months, it is advisable to put the bottles away from the light and to keep the solution in a glass bottle.

Also effective to get rid of the mercuryIt is well known that the silver and the mercury have a great affinity; in fact, conventional dental amalgams (fillings) are composed of alloys containing, among others, mercury and silver.However, it has recently been observed that this affinity creates a reciprocal tropism at the cellular level; which makes the colloidal silver behaves like an excellent chelator of mercury.The proof is that mercury is found in the urine of mercurized people who take this colloidal silver.So besides the many known applications, especially anti-infectious colloidal silver, an unexpected aspect very useful for many of us.

Make your own colloidal silverTo overcome once and for all, regulatory problems posed by the sale of colloidal silver one can buy, once for all, a small device used to make it.It serves the whole family and even friends for years.The Collargyr is a small, fully automated family machine that makes it easy to get quality colloidal silver at home.As with all devices that make colloidal silver, only distilled water should be used.Reverse osmosis water is not suitable. In case of difficulty of purchasing distilled water, there are devices at about 150? To distill water (see Internet).The smaller the particles, the less they clump together and the more the colloidal silver is effective.In order to avoid the "snowball" effect, the Collagyr uses very low voltage currents of the order of a few volts.The consequence is that the reaction is slower, but generates silver particles of the order of 2 to 3 nanometers instead of the usual 10 to 50 nm. The Collagyr is equipped with a high precision detection system that stops reaction at the concentration of 5 ppm, which, given the size of the particles, is largely sufficient.No need for a minute counter, no risk of forgetting to stop the electrolysis leading to an overflow of the optimum concentration to toxic zones, the shutdown is automatic.The 2 silver electrodes (which are the price of the device) wear very little and can last for years.Only disadvantage of this product, its price: €310, you can get it at Vedamed ( The advice provided in this article does not dispense you to consult a practitioner of alternative medicine.Article found on:

Colloidal silver was 'erased from textbooks' because it cured diseases from tuberculosis to syphilis.Two thousand, three hundred years ago, Alexander the Great was surveying his battlefield and drinking water from silver urns. He knew nothing about bacteria, but he knew that silver containers have a seemingly miraculous way of keeping water fresh.Silver has been used for thousands of years in different forms for its health benefits. Throughout the Middle Ages, the wealthy gave their children silver spoons to suck upon to stave off illnesses. People have known about the benefits of silver for so long that it is incorporated into legends.Silver is the recommended agent for killing vampires, werewolves, and various forms of the so-called undead. According to ancient legend, a silver dagger was all that a knight needed to vanquish evil.The new history of silver is a falsified history. Silver was once used extensively by all health care practitioners as an antibiotic and anti-viral. Nothing worked better then, and nothing does now.The F.D.A. began its crusade against silver products in the 1930s, because silver (as a natural substance) cannot be patented; but the organization’s antibiotic and vaccine industry partners were able to patent their wares.Under the Food and Drug Administration’s original name, The Bureau of Chemistry, its real mission was to legally protect the chemical industry by declaring toxic chemicals to be “generally recognized as safe”, and to eliminate the chemical industry’s competition through regulations.This history has likewise been obscured greatly in most modern historical texts, but the truth can be found in materials from its early period.Silver medicine has been erased from the textbooks, and it is seldom given mention in medical literature. The official Pharmacopeia (physician’s desk reference book) listed dozens of medicinal silver compounds prior to the mid-1930’s; but thereafter, all mention of silver disappeared.Newer books report that it never really happened. Before the history was rewritten, silver was like the nuclear weapon of medicine. No human pathogen of any kind survived it. This was the gospel of medicine.Pure colloidal silver is still the most comprehensive and potent antibiotic and anti-viral known that is actually safe for human consumption, and it is absolutely safe for everyone in every condition. It is natural, has no side effects, and it was killing the worst viral diseases in the 1930s, long before it became impossible to kill viruses with medicine.Over the past two centuries, silver has been used by both allopathic and alternative medicine. In addition to being used for routine ailments, silver has been used effectively against some of the most notoriously hard to kill illnesses, including tuberculosis and syphilis.It has been used as an antibacterial agent that was added to bandages and disinfectant sprays. It has been embedded into clothing to prevent bacteria from producing foul odors from sweat, and it has been merged into cloth that is used in burn centers.Attempts are still being made to lace hospital counter tops with silver, to prevent the growth of bacteria. Silver-lined containers are actively being used to disinfect water in Third World countries.Silver is remarkable because it is an extremely powerful natural antibacterial and anti-viral agent, yet it does not impair overall health like antibiotics do. It kills viruses, bacteria, and parasites in cases wherein the parasites live in a symbiotic relationship with a bacterial agent.This is surprisingly common, especially in the case of blood-borne parasites, such as those of U.S. bioweapons like Lyme disease. Because of the way that silver kills with an electrical charge, no pathogen can be found or engineered to be immune to it. No life can develop an immunity to electricity.Since the late nineteenth century, colloidal silver has been the safest and most effective way to medicate with silver. Colloidal silver is manufactured by electrically combining silver with pure water. The colloidal manufacturing process uses no chemicals.While silver is now labeled as an alternative medicine, it was once used widely in hospitals as the premiere antiseptic and antibiotic. It is still used in hospital burn centers for its incredible ability to heal burns more rapidly than steroids. We were astounded when witnessing it eliminate a sunburn in the span of just an hour, and a burnt tongue within minutes.Removing silver from the market was one of the first actions of the Food and Drug Administration, when it changed its name in the 1930s. It gradually changed its name from the Bureau of Chemistry to the more publicly palatable, Food and Drug Administration.In 1999, after a re-emergence of silver, the F.D.A. completely banned it in any form from being sold in over-the-counter health products, despite the fact that silver has safely been used as a medicine for millennia.The devastation of the polio epidemic was largely caused by how the Food and Drug Administration suppressed silver to promote its new antibiotic and vaccine industries. By removing silver from the lists of approved medicines, it effectively removed the only treatment that reliably kills polio, which in turn unleashed the full epidemic of polio. The F.D.A. later claimed a victory over polio in, boasting that the new generation of vaccines had saved us.The agency cunningly waited until the epidemic was in its natural decline to release the vaccine, in order to ensure that people saw a connection between the vaccine’s release date and the disappearance of the disease. The public, and quite a few doctors, were distracted away from the fact that silver medications were a safe treatment, which effectively kills polio quickly, as well as virtually every other virus known.Prior to this entire smoke-and-mirrors routine, silver was recognized for doing what the establishment now claims is impossible. Had silver medicine not been stripped from the market, the polio epidemic would have never occurred.Today’s huge vaccine and antibiotic markets would have never come into being. Silver had to go. Just to inflate the dishonest vaccine marketing even more, the F.D.A. and the American Medical Association began promoting tonsillectomies for all children at the same time, while knowing that the tonsils are the only organ in the human body that produces polio antibodies.They needed polio to spread widely, in order to change the public’s unfavorable attitude toward vaccinations, which is exactly what happened.The Food and Drug Administration now admits that antibiotic drugs are useless for most of the conditions for which they have been prescribed throughout the last seven decades. The common cold, flu, and the most common type of pneumonia are all now believed to be caused by viruses, for which antibiotics are useless against.However, silver is effective against viruses, so untold people have died as a result of silver being replaced with antibiotics.Another suppression campaign against silver began around the time of the Second World War, when germ warfare agents were being increasingly studied as the new generation of warfare.Silver has the ability to neutralize almost every bioweapon that has ever been created, because of how it attacks pathogens electrically. Silver will only be ineffective in cases wherein the bioweapon is so toxic that it kills people too quickly for the silver to neutralize it, such as with Ebola. Bioweapons with that lethality are unlikely to be intentionally released, because they present too much of a risk for all parties.Silver’s effectiveness against most bioweapons is one of the primary reasons why silver has been suppressed and maligned so aggressively. There are groups within the U.S. Government that do not want anyone to be resistant to U.S. Military bioweapons, so silver medications have been repressed throughout the world for the sake of a covert military weapons program that is forbidden by international laws.If silver medicine were still being distributed officially as the top tier of medicine, then the bioweapons program would be rendered virtually impotent, because victims could simply use colloidal silver to recover from most germ warfare agents.

How Silver Medicine is Believed to Work?There are theories about how silver works. The leading one is that silver kills bacteria and viruses electrically, which would make it impossible for pathogens to become resistant to it. Indeed, it is true that there is no evidence of pathogens developing any resistance to colloidal silver.This hypothesis is impossible to prove (or disprove), because we cannot examine a single colloidal particle and its relation to a bacterium, or view the mechanism through which silver kills the latter. We can merely put colloidal silver and bacteria together, and see that all the bacteria dies rapidly.It is believed that each particle retains an electrical (ionic) charge, and that each particle of the metal stores a charge of the same polarity. The charges ensure equal distribution of the particles throughout the solution. The theory is similar to that of magnetism, wherein the same poles of magnets are repelled by each other, and attracted only to their opposites.There is evidence that silver interferes with copper and iron in the body, by binding with both electrically, to chemically form new metallic compounds. People who are using a large amount of colloidal silver regularly may begin to crave foods which are rich in iron, such as beef.It is wise to satisfy these cravings, since they are caused by a deficiency of an important nutrient. Copper can be safely supplemented through the use of chlorophyll, but virtually every other oral source of copper supplementation is dangerous, because it is so trivially easy to overdose with it and cause liver damage.Due to colloidal silver’s ability to neutralize iron, men over the age of 30 will benefit from occasional colloidal silver supplementation. Iron accumulation in the bodies of men is believed to be one of the key reasons why women live longer than men do, and excessive iron is a major contributor to heart disease in men.

The Different Silver ProductsThere are many different types of silver solutions, including silver nitrates, ionic silvers, colloidal silvers, silver chlorides, and silver proteins. The only completely safe medicinal silver product, and the kind that we officially recommend, is colloidal silver.Silver nitrate is produced by the pharmaceutical industry by combining silver with nitric acid. It can damage the liver and kidneys like most pharmaceutical drugs. It is the terrible side effects of silver nitrate that the establishment often uses to justify its attacks upon colloidal silver, in more sleight-of-hand tactics.Pharmaceutical silver nitrate has a long history of turning patients’ skin a bluish-gray color. Nitrates are the cancer-causing compounds that are added to meat products. In other words, the F.D.A. pushed the poisonous and carcinogenic nitrate compounds on the public again, and blamed the consequences on silver.Ionic and colloidal silver are almost identically produced. The main difference between them is the size of the silver particles. In ionic silver, the particles are atomically small, to such a degree that even testing for their existence is difficult. It is possible that the particles in ionic silver are so small that the water itself becomes a different substance, because the silver particles are no longer completely autonomous.The particles in colloidal silver are microscopically small, but not as small as they are in ionic silver. Ionic silver can be made using very small voltages, over extended periods of time with silver plates. Higher voltages, or decreased resistance in the water produces colloidal silver. For true colloidal or ionic silver, the water must remain pure, so the only way to reduce the resistance of the water is to heat it, which most commercial manufacturers unwisely do.Colloidal silver is much more likely to have a color, whereas ionic silver is always clear. This is because the larger particles in the colloidal silver provide a greater surface area. Ionic silver particles are so small that they are actually smaller than the wavelengths of visible light, making the silver invisible and colorless in even high concentrations.All colloidal silver solutions are mixtures of ionic and colloidal silver, but ionic solutions can be completely ionic. It is not possible to produce colloidal silver without also producing ionic silver. This is analogous to a construction worker who extracts materials from a brick wall.He might use a grinding tool that yielded only a fine powder, or he could bash the brick wall with a sledge hammer, which would yield a mixture of large chunks and fine powder. The use of higher voltages for colloidal extraction is like hammering the silver.The larger particles that are found in colloidal silver solutions are especially beneficial for external use, including the treatment of burns. Ionic silver is useless externally, and its internal effects have never been studied by independent third parties.Only colloidal silver and silver nitrate have been scientifically scrutinized for effectiveness, and only the colloidal variant is truly safe. Incredibly, colloidal silver is the only type which the pharmaceutical industry has never sold.Another silver product is silver chloride. It is essentially made in the same manner as colloidal silver, but with the addition of table salt (sodium chloride). It is a cloudy liquid (often whitish) that is extremely photosensitive. Upon illumination or heating, the silver chloride solution separates into silver and chlorine. This instability makes it unsafe for human consumption. When ingested, silver chloride has a tendency to migrate to the outer tissues.Then, when the skin is exposed to sunlight, the silver chloride will break down into silver and chlorine. This causes the bluish-gray skin discoloration that has been heavily publicized as damning evidence against silver medicine. Victims of this phenomenon often claim that they drank colloidal silver, but the addition of salt transformed it into a very different substance that was chemically unstable.True colloidal silver compounds are much less reactive. Silver chloride has no benefits over colloidal silver, and it comes with risks. The salt is usually added to speed production time, but the same effect can be achieved with sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) in a much safer manner.The addition of sodium bicarbonate will yield especially large particles, which is unwise for internal use, but the resultant solution would nevertheless be ideal for external use. It would be excellent for burn treatments and infectious wound treatments.Silver proteins contain much larger particles than either colloidal or ionic silver, and they should never be used internally. These were formerly approved of by the F.D.A., and they were preferred by the pharmaceutical industry.The silver particles in silver protein solutions are so large that they simply sink in the water, and the particles never stay evenly distributed without the aid of an added gelling agent.Due to the large size of the silver particles, and the silver’s binding with proteins, there is a dramatically increased likelihood that the silver will become trapped in the fatty tissues. Therefore, these thick solutions are likely to produce the infamous bluish discoloration of the skin too.

Dishonest Silver CompaniesMisinformation is being spread by most sellers of colloidal silver. Most sellers boast about colloidal silver by showcasing its long history of safe usage, but they simultaneously claim to use a proprietary process that makes their silver superior to all other silver products.Their admitted usage of non-standard manufacturing processes means that they cannot sincerely use the safety history of colloidal silver as an example of their own product’s safety, or honestly declare that their untested and proprietary product is as effective.If a different manufacturing process is used, then the result cannot actually be colloidal silver. There is only one way to make colloidal silver, and any other manufacturing process will yield an entirely different product. Hence, the marketing for most colloidal silver is patently dishonest from start to end.This is not an indictment against colloidal silver itself, but its sellers tend to be morally bankrupt, and the products that they sell are potentially-dangerous frauds. Every manufacturing short-cut has consequences.We are aware from patent applications that some companies are producing silver solutions using fermenting bacteria that is combined with silver nitrates, instead of using electricity; but we do not know exactly which silver products are manufactured using this deplorable process.Whenever silver products are produced this way, they are inherently tainted with the dangerous nitrate compounds that the pharmaceutical silvers became infamous for.The effects of these toxic impurities can be much more severe than mere skin discolorations. Organ damage is a known consequence of using nitrate compounds, and cancers.Most sellers of modern colloidal silver advertise that their product contains between 10 and 20 parts per million. They probably seek this concentration due to the research of Alfred Searle. He authored the book, The Use of Colloids in Health and Disease, in 1920.He is also the founder of Searle Pharmaceuticals. His company was respectable in its early history, and Searle was long dead before his company dishonored his memory by selling itself to Monsanto.In his book, Searle reported that a concentration of just 20 parts per million of silver was proven to be deadly to all known pathogenic life forms, including every known virus. However, these results do not equate to the 10-20 parts per million ratings that can be found on most silver products of today. The reason is that the methods of testing have changed dramatically.Alfred Searle used a Tyndall meter to measure how many particles of silver were present in a solution. It is a device that uses light to test for hue and reflection, which are used to determine the particle count and their size. These devices use light wavelengths as the means of measurement.Most modern sellers of silver products instead purchase an electronic device that measures the conductivity of the finished product. The conductivity of different solutions will always vary greatly, so these meters cannot possibly do what they are advertised to do.For example, if salt were added to the water, then it would have a different effect on the conductivity than if copper were added, because of their differing electrical properties. Yet the sellers of these meters claim that they are able to get accurate results measuring particle counts regardless of a solution’s ingredients. If salt or another electrolyte exists in the water, the conductivity of the water will increase dramatically, even whilst the number of particles will stay roughly the same.Particle size and the temperature of the solution also effect the conductivity, which the meter has no way of determining. Even a gust of wind will give a different reading, due to the electrostatic effect upon the surface of the solution.In the case of colloidal metals, electrically gauging the concentration is even more futile than it is for other types of solutions, because the metallic liquid is an electrolytic capacitor with a constantly changing capacitance.Electricity cannot be used to measure the amount of metal in a solution when the surface area of the metal cannot be verified, and when the capacitance of the solution is ever-changing. It is like trying to get a consistent light measurement from a fireworks display.The capacitive solution itself will produce its own tiny currents, and it will block currents from the meter, which makes electronic testing an exercise in absurdity. The only way to accurately measure concentration in a fluid with metallic colloids is by using light.Thus, the parts per million rating given by most colloidal and ionic silver sellers is meaningless. Since colloidal silver changes the color of the water, clear colloidal solutions are frequently just expensive water, regardless of any measurement that sellers purportedly get. In the case of ionic silvers, it is impossible to measure the particle count, since the particles are too small to reflect light.TDS Meter, the de facto manufacturer of the new testing equipment, even acknowledges the uselessness of its own meters on its website, in an amusing attempt at damage control:” …temperature changes by a tenth of a degree may increase or decrease the conductivity. Additionally, the temperature coefficient (what the reading is multiplied by to adjust for temperature differences) changes slightly depending upon the range of ppm… Even a tiny air bubble that has adhered to one of the probes could potentially affect the conductivity, and thus the reading… Electrical charges off fingers, static eletricity off clothes, etc. on the meter and lingering electrical charges in the water will affect the conductivity of the water… Plastic cups retain lingering electrical charges more than glass. If the meter touches the side of the glass or plastic, it could pick up a slight charge. If the plastic is retaining a charge, it could also affect the water… The amount of water in the sample may affect the conductivity. Different volumes of the same water may have different levels of conductivity. Displacement may affect the conductivity as well… The depth and position of the probe in the water sample may also affect the conductivity. For example, if a meter is dipped into the water, removed and then dipped into the water again, but in a different spot, the reading may change…”The expensive methods of testing colloidal solutions that are utilized by modern laboratories are likewise grossly flawed. Flame atomic absorption spectroscopy is one of the leading laboratory methods for analyzing colloidal solutions.It uses extreme temperatures to destroy a colloidal solution, and then observers rate the colors of the flames, in an attempt to visually gauge the metal concentration. Fire is impossible to control with the precision that is needed for a valid analysis; and of course, the test results are in the eyes of the beholder.These machines cost about $50,000 (U.S.), so it is unlikely that anyone outside of the chemical industry actually owns one. There are similar devices which utilize a beam of light that is projected through the flames during the analysis. These devices have the same inaccuracy issues, and they are even more expensive.

True Colloidal SilverThis section is intended to assist people in producing their own colloidal silver. The silver solutions sold at retailers are essentially the homeopathic versions of colloidal and ionic silver products, which means that they are merely high-priced water.Some of the retail products that we examined had plenty of impurities (like iron that biologically neutralizes silver), but we found very little silver. Testing was impossible in the case of ionic silvers, which may be convenient for manufacturers. At many locations, the municipal water supply will contain more silver than the fraudulent retail products.The majority of retail products are fake, and these bogus products are the primary reason why so many people, who are new to alternative medicine, believe that silver is ineffective. The products that retail shoppers typically buy are usually no more effective than water, because they are water. People can produce their own to ensure that it is real and of the best quality.

Manufacturing Colloidal SilverThe most important step in the production of colloidal silver is obtaining the right materials. Using distilled water is vital. Never use tap or spring water, because even minerals that would normally be beneficial can cause health problems once they are electro-chemically transformed through electrolysis.Ensure that the water has been distilled using steam distillation, which should be written on the container. Some “distilled” water containers have, “distilled through reverse osmosis” on the label, and these labels are entirely dishonest.True distillation uses steam to separate the water from its minerals and contaminants, whereas reverse osmosis is simply a type of pressurized filtration that does not render pure water. It is a much cheaper process, so some of the companies lie about their “distillation”.Beware of the Food Lion brand of distilled water in particular, because our testing during the production of colloidal copper indicated that it is quite impure, even though it is labeled to have been distilled. Also, be forewarned that the formation of black chunks and other strangely-colored precipitates during the electrolysis process is an indication of water impurities.Black is the most common color for these, because they are usually the charred carbon remnants of organic matter and bicarbonates. Some grayish chucks may form in the water. These silver particulates are actually safe and are conglomerates of larger particles.They are especially beneficial for burns and skin infections, but they should be filtered out of the solution for internal use. A coffee filter works exceptionally well for this, and the solution may be poured through a coffee maker.Silver particles which have not clumped remain in either a colloidal or an ionic state, and these will pass through any filter. In fact, the particles are so small that wooden spoons and plastic utensils will begin to develop a silvery appearance after several batches. Never use metal utensils. The only metals in the process should be the silver itself and the electrical connection wires.Using chlorinated tap water is especially dangerous, because when chlorine combines with other materials, it has a tendency to form dioxin compounds. It will also produce chlorine gas during electrolysis, which was used as a chemical warfare agent during World War I.Sodium chloride (salt) in the water will also release chlorine gas, so salt should never be added. As an important side note, tap water should never be used inside vaporizers for the same reason, because chlorine gas will be released into the air to actually worsen lung issues.We strongly recommend that instead of obtaining silver wire, which is used for most colloidal silver manufacture, people instead use silver bullion bars. Most of the silver wire that is available comes from China, and it is simply not feasible to check every wire for impurityChinese wire should be assumed to be contaminated, since this is normal with Chinese products. When referencing the purity of their metals, companies use an obscure way of gauging it. Whenever a seller of a precious metal refers to it as having a purity of 925, it equates to 92.5 percent, so the given metal would be almost 10 percent impure.Most people will assume that a purity rating of 925 means that the metal contains only 0.925% impurities, and therefore that it would be over 99% pure. Be watchful of this gotcha. A large portion of the silver buyers seem to be ignorant of it. We recommend getting only 99.9% (written by sellers as 999) silver bullion bars.However, modern buyers should beware even when buying “pure” silver bullion bars. It has come to our attention that the bullion market of the United States has been flooded with counterfeit bullion bars in recent years. Other countries are likely to be experiencing the same Chinese contamination problems.To minimize the risk of buying fakes, bullion bars should never be purchased from Craig’s List, E-bay, or any other source that is not absolutely trustworthy, because the purity of the bullion is absolutely essential for health and safety reasons.We therefore recommend that our readers attempt to purchase bullion bars from banks and other reputable institutions that service the financial market. In the not-so-distant past, bullion bars were an absolutely pure source of silver that were guaranteed to be safe, because they are regulated as an official currency.This once meant that any attempt to sell fake bullion bars would have risked a swift law-enforcement response for counterfeiting, and a plethora of additional charges that would have gotten a man imprisoned for the rest of his life; but alas that safety net has disappeared, for the Chinese have no fear of the law.Coins contain a variety of metals that should not be consumed, so never use silver coins for colloidal silver manufacture. High purity is vital, because most metals are extremely detrimental to the health. Silver of such extreme purity typically only contains the impurities of copper and selenium, in trace amounts.Both of which are beneficial to health in these small quantities. In fact, both are vital nutrients. Selenium is actually used by the human body to chelate harmful metals.To avoid any soap or chemical residues, the bullion bars should be soaked in a solution of white vinegar that is nearly saturated with salt for cleaning. They can also safely be cleaned with vodka. Finalize the cleaning by pouring distilled water over the bars.It is not absolutely necessary to clean the silver between uses, but we do. Be advised that the silver will never look new again, regardless of the cleaning method.People may either use three 9V batteries that are interconnected in series, or a 30V DC power supply that has a rated output of at least 3 amps (3,000 mA) to power the electrolysis. A power supply does not have to be exactly 30 volts, but it is the ideal voltage.The range should be kept between 26 and 30 volts, which is also ideal for creating colloidal copper. Those who have no experience with electronics should opt for battery power, instead of using a DC power supply. Serious injury and fire can result from the improper use of a power supply.The electrical danger is elevated because water is being used. For liability reasons, we must officially recommend against using a power supply, and anyone using a power supply does so at his own risk. Batteries must be interconnected, so that the positive terminal of one battery is connected to the negative terminal of another battery. When properly connected, one battery should have an unused positive pole, and the opposite battery should have an unused negative pole.These two remaining terminals should be connected to the two pieces of silver. Most 9V batteries in the U.S. have terminals that can be used to interconnect with other 9V batteries, whereby connection wire is unnecessary for the battery to battery connections.Never use aluminum wire for any of the connections, and we strongly recommend the use of only copper wiring, for the sake of preventing unhealthy contaminants.To make colloidal silver, fill a completely clean glass or plastic container with distilled water. We suggest cleaning the container with vodka immediately beforehand, to remove soap residues and dust. Connect the batteries to the pieces of silver.Most people do this with alligator clips. We usually make our connections by inserting copper wires through tiny holes in the tops of the silver bullion, and then we twist the wires for maximum hold.Never solder the connection to the silver, and it is wise to even avoid soldering the wires to alligator clips, for solder can leach lead or cadmium into the solution if the metal components become moist. Nobody should be supplementing with lead and cadmium.The silver bars should be partially submerged in the water, and be about an inch apart. They should never touch, and the wire connections should never enter the water. If the connectors or silver are allowed to touch, the batteries or the power supply will have a dead short.This could cause overheating and an explosion. It could easily mean a quick death for the power supply. The electrical connections to the silver should be clearly above the water, else other metals will become infused into the solution. Nothing except for pure silver should be in contact with the water.We recommend that all other connectors and wires be maintained at least a quarter inch above the water’s surface. We should offer one last reminder of the risks of using solder, which include the introduction of tin, lead, and cadmium into the product.The time needed to produce colloidal silver will vary greatly, depending on the purity of water that is used, and no commercially-available water is absolutely pure. One of the first indicators that silver is combining with the water can be seen with a flashlight in a dark room.Shining light through the water at certain angles will show what appears to be smoke coming from one of the silver plates. As time progresses, one of the silver plates will turn a flat gray color, and the other plate will blacken. Tiny bubbles may also form around the silver plates. Those producing a large batch over an extended period should gently stir the solution periodically, using a wooden or plastic spoon.Some people can produce a quart in twenty minutes, but our own experimentation in making 2 quarts required a duration of 4 hours to reach the acceptable strength and color. Due to the fact that silver is extremely non-reactive, a slower process indicates higher purity in both the silver and the water.Pure water and pure silver will both be very resistant to the electrolysis process. Readers may notice that many of the online manufacturing videos show colloidal silver being produced very rapidly, using silver wires that were obtained from China.A short manufacture time indicates the presence of other, more reactive metals, and perhaps impure water too. When producing our own colloidal silver by the gallon, we add about 10 fluid ounces of existing colloidal silver to speed the production time, without effecting the quality of the resultant product.To make the silver bars last as long as possible, the polarity should be reversed each time. This means that the silver bar that is connected to the positive (red) wire in one batch should be switched so that it is connected to negative in the next batch. Otherwise, one of the bars will rapidly erode.If a colloidal silver solution is black, brown, or purple, then it indicates that the silver particles are abnormally large. It may also reflect the presence of impurities. The huge particle size of these products makes it debatable if these solutions can truly be called colloidal.It is how most colloidal silvers from online sellers look. The ugly discolorations can also be caused by heating during production, or from the use of high voltages, which are common shortcuts taken by the commercial manufacturers. We recommend that such solutions be avoided, except as a last resort.These products are significantly less effective internally than properly produced colloidal silver, and the abnormally large silver particles are more likely to get forever trapped in the tissues.Most commercial sellers have proprietary processes for production, which cannot be trusted, and there is no way to know what is really in their products. We do know from the color of their products that they are not selling true colloidal silver.

Properly Medicating with Colloidal SilverHigh quality colloidal silver that is of the appropriate medicinal strength (20 P.P.M.) looks slightly yellowish in a brilliant white container. Newly-made batches of weak colloidal silver will instead have a slight silvery tint when first made. Some batches turn yellow about a day after production.The strength of a colloidal silver solution can be judged by shining a laser pointer through the solution, whilst the silver is being infused. A red laser pointer is best, because the beam is the least visible under normal conditions.As the silver solution gets stronger, it will become possible to see the red beam clearly through the water. As the solution becomes more concentrated, the laser beam will become more solid, and silver particles will sparkle in the beam like glitter.We recommend against making stronger concentrations for most uses, because silver appears to create iron deficiencies with extreme dosages. We do not truly know if the colloidal silver causes the increased excretion of iron, or if it simply neutralizes usable iron by bonding with it, or both.We believe that it is both. Either way, there are no real human toxicity issues, but the proper iron level should be nevertheless maintained for optimal health.During times of sickness, we recommend using 3 fluid ounces of colloidal silver, at least twice a day. Best results can be achieved by holding the colloidal silver in the mouth for a minute before swallowing it. This technique allows some silver to penetrate through the walls of the mouth, and directly into the bloodstream.Expect for it to have a metallic aftertaste. Due to the wide variety of people who will read this, we have made the recommended silver dosage very conservative, but some patients measure their dosages in cups.

Storage of Colloidal SilverColloidal silver may be stored in either plastic or glass. The ideal plastic is the type that is used to store milk. It is high-density polyethylene (HDPE), and it can be identified in the U.S. by a number “2” embossed into the bottom of the container.It is a very non-reactive plastic, but the microscopic silver particles may stain it. Of course, many people prefer to store their colloidal silver in glass, due to their concerns about no plastic being perfect. Such individuals usually choose an amber-colored glass container, as a way to prevent excessive light exposure.Colloidal silver should be stored at room temperature, and never allowed to freeze. The silver will coagulate into visible chunks at the bottom when frozen, which will make the solution much less effective and create the possibility that it will cause argyria.Therefore, an interesting experiment to verify the presence of silver in the solution is to freeze a small amount of it, and then examine the clumped silver at the bottom of the container after thawing. If a choice must be made between storage in a hot or cold environment, the warmer environment should always be chosen.Pure colloidal silver should not experience any of the serious breakdown problems that silver chloride solutions do, whenever there is light exposure; but we nevertheless store our colloidal silver in a dark location, because darkness might somewhat help to keep it better preserved.A good batch of colloidal silver should last for years, because the silver itself is a powerful preservative. In fact, we use it as a substitute for water in risky foods that use uncooked ingredients, such as raw eggs (for mayonnaise production). It is used to ensure that all of the bacteria is dead. A minute of blending with colloidal silver is enough to ensure that no bacteria survives.

Patients Experiencing the BluesThe medical establishment and the big media organizations have demonized colloidal silver by parading people who developed a condition known as argyria. It is a bluish-gray discoloration of the skin that is reported to be permanent.However, every case that we investigated involved products that were not actually colloidal silver, and most cases were the result of pharmaceutical-industry silver products. Our exhaustive research could not find a single instance of argyria that was caused by pure colloidal silver. The pharmaceutical silver solutions are the most likely to cause it.Regulators proclaim that the people who turned blue are demonstrative of silver’s toxicity, but the opposite is actually true. It proves that even after a person has become so incredibly saturated with silver from 20+ years of misuse that he turns blue, he still does not suffer from any real health problems.The blue patients are actually healthier than normal. Take for comparison: a patient who consumes enough aspirin to turn white. Actually, we cannot use this example, because within 20 minutes of such extreme aspirin consumption, the patient would be dead from internal bleeding — long before he ever began changing color.The National Institutes of Health documented one case of argyria that occurred when a man started producing his own silver solution, and consumed 16 fluid ounces of it, three times each day, for a period of years. He measured his silver to contain a whopping 450 parts per million, which is 22 times stronger than is normal.This regimen gave his body the same concentration of silver as if he had consumed 1,056 fluid ounces of standard colloidal silver (8.25 gallons per day). The extreme concentration means that the silver had to be discolored and impure, and it almost certainly had salt added.Otherwise, it would have taken him days to manufacture each day’s batch at such concentrations, so we can be certain that he was using silver chloride instead of colloidal silver. It is a reflection of the stupidity of turning to pharmaceutical manufacturing processes for the practice of alternative medicine, and then using the terrible results to prove that alternative medicine is bad. It is what we see most often in the politics of silver.The most popularized case of argyria is that of Paul Karason, the so-called Smurf Man. He internally consumed large doses of a homemade silver solution for years, and then began also using silver externally on his face. He too made his silver solution using salt, which resulted in silver chloride.Despite it being a completely different substance, he refers to his solution as “colloidal silver”, as does the media. We believe that after he noticed some slight skin discoloration, he actually increased his dosage, because he had found a way to become famous and profit from being a freak.He admits publicly to using excessive amounts of his silver chloride both internally and transdermally, daily for 14 years. He still continues to use it, despite his obvious saturation. He further admits that his face turned blue before the rest of his body; and yet he continued to use both silver products, despite the color change.Due to Karason’s self-inflicted and intentional cosmetic alteration, the F.D.A. has been using him in a public relations campaign that is intended to convince the public that colloidal silver is dangerous. We can only speculate about how much the media networks and the F.D.A. have paid him for his appearances.Not one death or serious side effect has ever been recorded for pure colloidal silver, during the century of its existence. There are, however, plenty of horror stories from people who used the chemically-altered silvers that were made with various proteins, salts, or fermented bacteria.Source: Healthwyze

Silver healing propertiesAn antibiotic kills maybe half a dozen different harmful organisms, but the silver kills about 650 in addition to being virtually non-toxic.Dr. Harry Magraf of St. Louis a pioneer of silver research says, "silver is the best of all the germ destroyers we have."The value of silver in medicine as a purifier has been known for hundreds of years.In ancient Greece and Rome, people used silver containers to keep liquids cool.When settlers crossed West America they purified their water tanks by putting a silver dollar in the night.The results of independent tests have shown that silver immediately kills bacteria in the water and maintains the purity of the water for a very long time.Russian scientists working on water recycling and purification issues for the Soviet space program have chosen silver as the best long-term health care agent.Looking for shortages over several months, and purification for immediate use, they determined that ionized silver provided the safest and most sustainable method for turning polluted water from waste into drinking water.After testing 23 methods to purify water, NASA has also chosen silver as a purifying agent for the Space Shuttle program.Silver was used to provide clean water to the shuttle crew for drinking, air conditioning, food preparation and other operations.By establishing 100 shares of silver per billion share of water NASA has totally eliminated the need for chlorine!The impact of silver technology continues to grow.More than half of the companies that bottle non-alcoholic beverages, shipping lines and a multitude of other companies in 70 countries use the silver to sterilize water.These and several other examples of the increasing use of silver in water purification have been documented by Dr. Fred Zobist and presented at the Washington Institute of Money, D.C.

The importance of silver for health.In a world concerned by the spread of viruses and diseases, silver is increasingly used for its bactericidal properties and used in treatments of conditions ranging from severe burns to legionnaires' disease.While the importance of silver as a bactericide has been documented only since the end of the 19th century, its use in purification is known throughout the ages.Records indicate that Phoenicians, for example, used silver containers to keep water, wine, and vinegar clean during long journeys.In America, western pioneers put silver and copper coins in their water tanks to keep them clean.In fact, "being born with a silver spoon in your mouth" does not refer to wealth but to health.In the early 18th century, babies who were fed with silver spoons were healthier than those fed on spoons made of other metals, and silver teats found great use in America due to their beneficial effects on the body. Health.Silver has been used for thousands of years for care.Silver is thought to be a systemic disinfectant and functions as a second immune system.Since silver only kills bacteria that are anaerobic (that breathe in nitrogen), the good bacteria in the digestive system are immune because they breathe oxygen (aerobic). What we have done now is to rediscover the fact that silver kills pathogens, something that has been known for hundreds of years when antibiotics have been discovered, the clinical use of silver as an antibiotic has been ruled out Robert O, Becker MD

How to make colloidal silver?You will need :A glass container (you can use several liters).
A timer (the one on your smartphone is free).
Two silver rods certified as 99.99% pure (about $30).
Distilled water that can be found at the drugstore or made with a water distiller (about $100).
An old smartphone charger or a PC transformer (about $10).
A T.D.S tester (less than $5).
Put the distilled water in a glass container.
Place the two silver rods previously attached to each pole of the charger in the water, with only the silver in contact with the water.
Plug in the charger and first set a timer for one hour. After this hour, wipe the rods with a clean cloth, then set a timer every 30 minutes to clean the rods, as they get dirty faster after the first hour.
After 4 to 5 hours of cleaning the rods every half hour, the water will get between 10 and 15 P.P.M, which can be checked with the TDS tester, 15 P.P.M is enough and this is the maximum you can get if you want to keep the water clear, if you exceed 15 P.P.M, the water becomes more and more yellow, which means that the water is becoming more and more saturated with silver particles.Pour the colloidal silver in clean bottles through a clean filter to remove the impurities, that's it.I had my colloidal silver tested at a lab, and they found exactly 15 P.P.M in the 15 P.P.M bottle I gave them and tested with my T.D.S tester, so I had proof that this type of tester works well for testing colloidal silver.T.D.S: Total Dissolved Solids.
P.P.M: Parts Per Million.

Argent colloidal

Une simple suspension de particules d'argent microscopiques dans de l'eau ultra-pure... rien de plus.C'est ce que l'on appelle l'argent colloïdal et c'est un des meilleurs remèdes naturels qui soit.Il est capable de tuer la plupart des microbes et virus pathogènes, accélérer la cicatrisation des blessures et des brûlures, soigner la peau et les allergies, stimuler les défenses naturelles, purifier l'eau...

L'antibiotique d'avant... les antibiotiquesL'argent colloïdal fut utilisé par les médecins de manière intensive pendant près d'un demi-siècle jusqu'au début des années 40. Tombé dans les oubliettes de l'histoire après l'invention des antibiotiques de synthèse, il fait un retour en force depuis que ces derniers semblent en passe de perdre la guerre contre l'infection. Son action « magique » s'accompagne de solides preuves scientifiques, si bien que des médecins ont pu déclarer : « L'argent est notre meilleure arme contre les microbes » Dr Harry Margraf, (Washington University, St-Louis). « L'argent tue même les souches résistances aux antibiotiques et stimule la cicatrisation de la peau. » Dr Robert Becker, (Syracuse University, New York). La majorité des antibiotiques, sur prescription médicale, ne tue qu'une partie des agents causant des maladies, alors que l'argent colloïdal est efficace contre environ 650 maladies (travaux du Dr. Henri Crooks).

Les utilisations médicales de l'argent dans l'histoire.Les propriétés germicides et bactéricides de l'Argent-métal sont connues depuis l'Antiquité. Grecs, Perses et Romains l'utilisaient dans la vie domestique couramment. Ils employaient des récipients en argent pour stocker divers liquides (eau, vin, etc.) destinés aux souverains et à l'aristocratie. Ces liquides conservaient ainsi leur fraîcheur et leurs qualités plus longtemps que dans d'autres récipients. L'argent servait aussi à fabriquer des ustensiles de table et de cuisine, une tradition qui s'est perpétuée jusqu'à nos jours.Pourquoi ne pas avoir choisi un autre métal, moins onéreux : nos ancêtres avaient compris qu'ingérer ainsi régulièrement d'infimes particules d'argent contribuait à renforcer l'immunité vis-à-vis de certaines maladies. Bien sûr cette pratique n'était fondée que sur des connaissances empiriques.C'est certainement la tradition du thé britannique, de l'eau bouillie servie dans des théières d'argent, qui a permis à la Grande Bretagne de survivre aux terribles miasmes de ses colonies, tant en Inde, qu'à Hong Kong et partout ailleurs. Il était courant de placer des pièces d'argent au fond des récipients contenant du lait ou des aliments pour en préserver la fraîcheur, une méthode adoptée au 19ème siècle par les pionniers américains. Très récemment encore, dans la deuxième partie du 20ème siècle, lorsque les pharmaciens préparaient des potions ou des onguents dans les arrière-boutiques, ils mettaient au fond du pot une feuille d'argent.Albert Schweitzer, la Nasa ou les hôpitaux américains sont-ils des empoisonneurs ?Le bien fondé de ces pratiques populaires a été démontré par les recherches modernes. On a pu déterminer que l'Argent métallique se dissout dans l'eau à un taux d'environ 10 parties par milliard, soit 10 microgrammes par litre, et que cette dose pourtant extrêmement faible (0,01 ppm) tue les colibacilles et les salmonelles. C'est le principe même de l'Argent Colloïdal.En 1928, renouant avec la tradition, GA. Krause eut l'idée de placer un revêtement d'argent dans les systèmes de filtration à usage domestique. En 1929, le Dr Albert Schweitzer, rapporta que tous les pathogènes se trouvaient éliminés quand l'eau était traitée avec des particules d'argent porteuses d'une charge électrique. Le terme argent colloïdal n'était pas encore en usage. Il démontra également que ce traitement n'était pas nocif vis à vis des micro-organismes bénéfiques.Aujourd'hui, les meilleurs filtres à eau emploient l'argent pour éviter la contamination des bougies filtrantes et de nombreuses compagnies aériennes utilisent ce filtre à bord de leurs avions. La NASA a choisi un système de traitement de l'eau à base de colloïdes d'argent pour ses navettes spatiales. Les Russes utilisent également l'argent colloïdal pour stériliser l'eau à bord des navettes spatiales.Aux Etats Unis, certaines villes ont choisi l'argent pour le traitement des eaux usées et des piscines. Au Nébraska, on a démontré l'efficacité de l'argent colloïdal en décontaminant un bassin volontairement pollué par le colibacille. Passant dans des filtres équipés d'électrodes d'Argent, cette eau a été totalement purifiée en l'espace de 3 heures.Des études ont révélé que les réseaux internes de distribution d'eau dans les hôpitaux étaient les principaux responsables de la « maladie du légionnaire », une espèce de pneumonie, acquise à l'hôpital. La plupart des grands hôpitaux américains ont installé des systèmes d'ionisation argent/cuivre, qui ont permis d'éradiquer la « legionella pneumophilia » de leurs réseaux d'eau chaude. Ces systèmes sont bien sûr parfaitement homologués par les autorités concernées.

L'argent colloïdal, alternative aux antibiotiques.L'argent dans son application antibiotique et désinfectante a été délaissé suite à la mode des antibiotiques. Mais l'utilisation systématique de ces antibiotiques a entraîné l'apparition de nouvelles souches de bactéries résistantes. Faut-il rappeler que :Des souches de staphylocoques dorés résistants à la méthicilline et à d'autres antibiotiques sont endémiques dans les hôpitaux.
On constate l'apparition d'entérocoques résistant à la vancomycine ; ces bactéries infectent les blessures, les voies urinaires et d'autres sites.
Actuellement, environ 30 % des isolats de streptocoques pneumoniques sont résistants à la pénicilline, le médicament essentiellement utilisé pour traiter cette infection.
Plus de 30 % des isolats de blennorragie sont résistants à la pénicilline ou à latétracycline, ou aux deux.
La résistance à la chloroquine (médicament employé dans le traitement du paludisme) est apparue dans la plupart des régions du monde.
Des souches de bacilles tuberculeux résistantes à un grand nombre de médicaments sont apparues au cours de la décennie écoulée.
Dans les pays en développement où apparaissent des souches résistantes de bactéries extrêmement pathogènes, comme Shigella dysenteria, Campylobacter, E coli. Dernièrement, Salmonella typhimurium, résistant à l'ampicilline, à la streptomycine, à la tétracycline, au sulfa et au chloramphénicol, a provoqué des maladies en Europe, au Canada et aux États-Unis.
Des études récentes ont rapporté la résistance d'espèces Candida au fluconazole, un médicament largement employé pour traiter les maladies fongiques systémiques.
Grâce à son effet naturel antimicrobien, l'argent doit reprendre aujourd'hui la place qui lui revient.
C'est sous forme colloïdale que l'argent s'avère le plus efficace, le mieux assimilable et sans toxicité. Les colloïdes sont ces particules extrêmement fines* qui ne se déposent pas dans les tissus et restent en suspension pour une disponibilité immédiate aux cellules. Les liquides circulants les plus importants (sang et lymphe) sont eux-mêmes de nature colloïdale. Une observation a montré que des microorganismes pathogènes qui s'étaient immunisés contre les antibiotiques, s'engourdissent après l'administration d'argent colloïdal.L'élaboration de solutions colloïdales relève de l'emploi d'une haute technologie, et est contrôlée par la microscopie électronique, la méthode GDMS (Glow Density Mass Spectrometry), ainsi que l'absorption atomique. Ces solutions ne doivent présenter aucun trouble. Les particules doivent être invisibles et aucun dépôt ne doit apparaître. La charge électrique négative des particules fait que ces particules restent en suspension dans l'eau et ne nécessitent pas de stabilisateurs, pas de protéines et pas de conservateurs.Une fois dans l'organisme, ces particules sont attirées d'une façon électromagnétique par les zones malades, traversent les membranes cellulaires et agissent comme catalyseurs en inhibant les enzymes destructrices. * L'argent colloïdal est une solution de particules d'argent dont la finesse est entre 1 et 9 nm (nanomètre) de diamètre (1.000 nm = 1 micron), dans une eau distillée reconduite à une résistivité proche de 25 mS (micro Siemens).

Comment l'argent agit-il ?En référence aux communications scientifiques médicales, l'argent colloïdal peut se rapprocher de l'action d'un antibiotique à large spectre. Sa présence initie une enzyme, laquelle agit localement envers chaque bactérie, chaque unicellulaire, chaque champignon et chaque virus par modification de leur équilibre acido-basique, et y installe une résistance externe. Par là, ces organismes deviennent inactivés dans un temps de contact d'environ 6 minutes, parfois moins. Ils régressent dans leur cyclogénie, puis meurent.Cela a été vérifié par le laboratoire de UCLA (Université d'Etat de Californie) et par les travaux du Dr. Robert O'Becker, Centre Médical Universitaire de Syracuse (NY, USA). Les microbes polymorphes, ainsi que les mutants, sont également sensibles à ce colloïde. La majorité des antibiotiques, sur prescription médicale, ne tue qu'une partie des agents causant des maladies, alors que l'argent colloïdal est efficace contre environ 650 maladies (travaux du Dr. Henri Crooks).

Et sur quelles maladies agit-il ?La liste des maladies pouvant être traitées avec l'argent colloïdal est tellement longue... que je préfère la résumer pour ne pas vous lasser. En gros, l'argent colloïdal permet de traiter toutes les inflammations (affections qui se terminent en "ite"), les problèmes de peau, les plaies, les mycoses de tous types, toutes les infections bactériennes ou microbiennes, c'est enfin un étonnant remède préventif contre toutes les pathologies de l'hiver.

Comment utiliser l'argent colloïdal ?

En usage externeAppliquer directement sur les plaies ou abrasions de la peau, contre l'eczémas, brûlures, piqûres de moustiques l'acné, les verrues, les mycoses et les plaies ouvertes.
En vaporisations, pour le nez et la gorge.
En inhalations, pour les problèmes pulmonaires.
En lavements intestinaux ou vaginaux, ajouter 2 cuillères à café dans l'eau de lavement.
En gargarismes dans les maladies septiques de la bouche (pyorrhées, amygdalites, aphtes), et contre toutes les inflammations de la cavité buccale.
Yeux : 1 goutte dans chaque oeil, plusieurs fois par jour contre les états inflammatoires et irritatifs (conjonctivites). Les lentilles de contact ne sont pas un obstacle.
Oreilles : quelques gouttes dans les oreilles. Sinus infectés : vaporisation ou gouttes dans le nez.
Purifier l'eau de boisson : mettre 1 cuillère à café d'argent colloïdal par litre d'eau et attendre 10mn avant de la boire.
Animaux : quelques gouttes sur les zones atteintes (parasites).
Plantes : en vaporisation pour combattre les attaques de bactéries, virus et champignons, et à ajouter en plus à l'eau d'arrosage (1 cuillère à soupe pour 250 ml d'eau).

En usage interneIl faut rappeler ici que l'emploi de l'argent colloïdal en usage interne est interdit en France. En efet, faute de données suffisantes sur cet apport minéral, l'Autorité Européenne de Sécurité des Aliments (EFSA) n'a pu se prononcer sur ce type de complément et cette forme d'apport n'a donc pas été reprise dans les annexes du règlement (CE) 1170/2009.Dès lors, les compléments alimentaires en contenant ne peuvent plus être commercialisés sur le territoire de l'Union Européenne. Toutefois, l'argent colloïdal a été médicalement testé avec succès aux USA. D'après la très sévère FDA ( Food and Drug Administration), l'argent colloïdal peut être commercialisé et utilisé pour combattre des micro-organismes.Des millions de personnes à travers le monde se soignent avec l'argent colloïdal et témoignent des bienfaits de ce produit. Bien que commercialisé sous forme de produit cosmétique, rien n'empêche les citoyens de consommer l'argent colloïdal comme ils l'entendent.Et s'ils voulaient le faire par voie interne, malgré l'interdicion, il faudrait alors respecter cette posologie :Adultes : 1 cuillère à soupe (1 cuillère = 5ml) 3 à 4 fois par jour, garder quelques minutes en bouche avant d'avaler.
Enfants : 1 à 2 cuillère à café à 1 cuil à café selon l'âge, 3 à 4 fois par jour.

Comment choisir son argent colloïdal ?La littérature médicale s'est concentrée sur des concentrations d'argent colloïdal de l'ordre de 5 mg/l avec lequel aucun effet indésirable n'a été relaté à ce jour. Aucune intolérance en liaison avec un traitement médical n'a été observée. La cure peut être prise conjointement à un traitement antibiotique ou anti-inflammatoire.Comme l'argent colloïdal ne s'accumule pas dans l'organisme, aucun dépôt n'est formé sous la peau et les téguments ne laissent apparaître aucune trace grisâtre. La plupart des fabricants proposent différentes formes de concentration. En général, elles varient de 6 mg/l à 30 mg/l. La concentration la plus faible semble parfaitement convenir aux problèmes de peau. Mais la plupart des thérapeutes prescrivent une concentration à 15 mg/l et il est préférable d'éviter les concentrations supérieures à 30 mg/l .Un argent colloïdal de qualité se reconnaît à sa couleur ou à son absence de couleur : la solution peut être très légèrement dorée, mais pas brune. Cette solution insipide et inodore peut être employée chez la femme enceinte ou allaitante. Lorsque vous goûtez le produit obtenu, il doit avoir un léger goût métallique. Pour une bonne conservation de plusieurs mois, il convient de mettre les flacons à l'abri de la lumière et de conserver la solution dans une bouteille en verre.

Efficace aussi pour vous débarrasser du mercure.Il est bien connu que l'argent et le mercure ont une grande affinité ; d'ailleurs, les amalgames dentaires classiques (plombages) sont composés d'alliages contenant entre autres du mercure et de l'argent. Or, l'on a pu constater récemment que cette affinité crée un tropisme réciproque au niveau cellulaire; ce qui fait que l'argent sous forme colloïdale se comporte comme un excellent chélateur du mercure. La preuve est que l'on retrouve du mercure dans les urines des personnes mercurisées qui prennent cet argent colloïdal. Voila donc en plus des multiples applications connues surtout anti-infectieuses de l'argent colloïdal, un volet inattendu bien utile pour beaucoup d'entre nous.

Comment croit-on que la médecine argentique fonctionne?Il existe des théories sur la façon dont l'argent fonctionne. La principale est que l'argent tue les bactéries et les virus par voie électrique, ce qui empêcherait les agents pathogènes de devenir résistants. En effet, il est vrai qu'il n'y a aucune preuve d'agents pathogènes développant une résistance à l'argent colloïdal.Cette hypothèse est impossible à prouver (ou à réfuter), car nous ne pouvons pas examiner une seule particule colloïdale et sa relation avec une bactérie, ni voir le mécanisme par lequel l’argent tue cette dernière. Nous pouvons simplement assembler de l'argent colloïdal et des bactéries et constater que toutes les bactéries meurent rapidement.On pense que chaque particule conserve une charge électrique (ionique) et que chaque particule du métal stocke une charge de même polarité. Les charges assurent une distribution égale des particules dans la solution. La théorie est similaire à celle du magnétisme, dans laquelle les mêmes pôles d’aimants sont repoussés les uns par les autres et attirés uniquement par leurs contraires.Il existe des preuves que l'argent interfère avec le cuivre et le fer dans le corps, en se liant électriquement, pour former chimiquement de nouveaux composés métalliques. Les personnes qui utilisent régulièrement une grande quantité d’argent colloïdal peuvent commencer à avoir envie d’aliments riches en fer, comme le bœuf.Il est sage de satisfaire ces envies, car elles sont causées par une carence en un nutriment important. Le cuivre peut être complété en toute sécurité par l’utilisation de chlorophylle, mais pratiquement toutes les autres sources de supplémentation en cuivre par voie orale sont dangereuses, car il est très facile de prendre une surdose avec ce produit et d’endommager le foie.En raison de la capacité de l’argent colloïdal à neutraliser le fer, les hommes de plus de 30 ans bénéficieront d’une supplémentation occasionnelle en argent colloïdal. L'accumulation de fer dans le corps des hommes est l'une des principales raisons pour lesquelles les femmes vivent plus longtemps que les hommes, et l'excès de fer contribue de manière importante aux maladies cardiaques chez les hommes.

Se soigner avec de l'argent colloïdal.L’argent colloïdal de haute qualité, dont la force médicinale est appropriée (20 P. P.M.), est légèrement jaunâtre dans un récipient blanc brillant. Les lots nouvellement fabriqués d'argent colloïdal faible auront plutôt une légère teinte argentée lors de leur fabrication initiale. Certains lots jaunissent environ un jour après la production.La force d’une solution d’argent colloïdal peut être déterminée en faisant passer un pointeur laser à travers la solution pendant la perfusion de l’argent. Un pointeur laser rouge est préférable, car le faisceau est moins visible dans des conditions normales.Au fur et à mesure que la solution d'argent devient plus forte, il deviendra possible de voir clairement le faisceau rouge à travers l'eau. À mesure que la solution devient plus concentrée, le faisceau laser devient plus solide et les particules d'argent brillent dans le faisceau comme des paillettes.Nous recommandons de ne pas augmenter les concentrations pour la plupart des utilisations, car l'argent semble créer des carences en fer avec des dosages extrêmes. Nous ne savons pas vraiment si l'argent colloïdal provoque l'excrétion accrue de fer, ou s'il neutralise simplement le fer utilisable en se liant à lui, ou les deux.Nous croyons que c'est les deux. Quoi qu’il en soit, il n’y a pas de réel problème de toxicité humaine, mais le taux de fer approprié doit néanmoins être maintenu pour une santé optimale.En cas de maladie, il est recommandé d’utiliser 3 onces liquides d’argent colloïdal, au moins deux fois par jour. Les meilleurs résultats peuvent être obtenus en maintenant l'argent colloïdal dans la bouche pendant une minute avant de l'avaler. Cette technique permet à l’argent de pénétrer à travers les parois de la bouche et directement dans la circulation sanguine.Attendez-vous à ce qu'il ait un arrière-goût métallique. En raison du grand nombre de personnes qui liront ceci, nous avons rendu le dosage en argent recommandé très conservateur, mais certains patients mesurent leur dosage dans des tasses.

Stockage d'argent colloïdal.L'argent colloïdal peut être stocké dans du plastique ou du verre. Le plastique idéal est le type utilisé pour stocker le lait. Il s’agit d’un polyéthylène haute densité (PEHD), qui peut être identifié aux États-Unis par le chiffre «2» inscrit en relief dans le fond du récipient.C'est un plastique très non réactif, mais les particules d'argent microscopiques peuvent le tacher. Bien sûr, de nombreuses personnes préfèrent stocker leur argent colloïdal dans du verre, car elles craignent que le plastique ne soit parfait. Ces personnes choisissent généralement un récipient en verre de couleur ambrée pour prévenir une exposition excessive à la lumière.L'argent colloïdal doit être conservé à la température ambiante et ne doit jamais geler. L'argent coagulera en morceaux visibles au fond lorsqu'il sera gelé, ce qui rendra la solution beaucoup moins efficace et créera la possibilité que cela provoque l'argyrie.Par conséquent, une expérience intéressante pour vérifier la présence d'argent dans la solution consiste à en congeler une petite quantité, puis à examiner l'argent en morceaux au fond du récipient après décongélation. Si vous devez choisir entre le stockage dans un environnement chaud ou froid, vous devez toujours choisir un environnement plus chaud.L'argent colloïdal pur ne devrait rencontrer aucun des problèmes de décomposition sérieux que rencontrent les solutions de chlorure d'argent, chaque fois qu'il y a exposition à la lumière; mais nous stockons néanmoins notre argent colloïdal dans un endroit sombre, car l’obscurité pourrait aider à mieux le conserver.Un bon lot d'argent colloïdal devrait durer des années, car l'argent est un puissant agent de conservation. En fait, nous l'utilisons comme substitut de l'eau dans les aliments à risque contenant des ingrédients non cuits, tels que les œufs crus (pour la production de mayonnaise). Il est utilisé pour s'assurer que toutes les bactéries sont mortes. Une minute de mélange avec de l'argent colloïdal est suffisante pour garantir qu'aucune bactérie ne survit.

Les propriétés de l'argent.Un antibiotique tue peut etre une demi douzaine de differents organismes néfastes, mais l‘argent en tue environ 650 en plus d’être virtuellement non toxique.Dr Harry Magraf de St Louis un pionier de la recherche sur l’argent dit: "l’argent est le meilleur de tous les destructeurs de germes que nous ayons.”La valeur de l’argent dans la médecine comme purificateur est connue depuis des centaines d’années.Dans la Gréce ancienne et à Rome, les gens utilisaient des récipients en argent pour garder les liquides frais.Quand les colons ont traversé l’Amérique de l’ouest ils purifiaient leurs réservoirs d’eau en y mettant un dollar en argent pendant la nuit.Les résultats des tests indépendants on montré que l’argent tue aussitôt les bactéries dans l’eau et maintient la pureté de l’eau pendant très longtemps.Les scientifiques Russes travaillant sur le recyclement de l’eau et les problèmes de purification pour le programme spatial Soviétique ont choisi l’argent comme meilleur agent sanitaire long terme.Recherchant les problèmes de pénurie sur des périodes de plusieurs mois, et de purification pour utilisation immediate, ils ont déterminé que l’argent ionisé fournissait la méthode la plus sûre et la plus durable pour transformer l’eau polluée des déchets en eau potable.Après avoir testé 23 méthodes pour purifier l’eau, la NASA a aussi choisi l’argent comme agent purifiant pour le programme de la navette spatiale.L’argent était utilisé pour fournir de l’eau pure à l’équipage de la navette pour boire, pour l’air conditionné, la préparation de nourriture et d’autres opérations.En établissant 100 parts d‘argent par milliard de part d’eau la NASA a totalement éliminé le besoin de chlorine!L’impact de la technologie de l’argent continue de grandir.Plus de la moitié des compagnies qui mettent en bouteilles les boissons non alcolisées américaines, les lignes maritimes et une multitude d’autre entreprises dans 70 pays utilisent l’argent pour stériliser l’eau.Ceux-ci et plusieurs autres exemples de l’utilisation croissante de l’argent dans la purification de l’eau ont été documentés par le Dr. Fred Zobist et présentés à l’institut de l’argent à Washington, D.C.

L’importance de l’argent pour la santé.Dans un monde concerné par la diffusion de virus et maladies, l’argent est de plus en plus utilisé pour ses propriétés bactéricides et utilisé dans des traitements de conditions allant de sévères brûlures à la maladie des légionaires.Pendant que l’importance de l’argent comme un bactéricide a été documenté seulement depuis la fin du 19ème siecle, son utilisation dans la purification est connue à travers les âges.Les archives indiquent que les phéniciens, par exemple, utilisaient des récipients en argent pour conserver l’eau, le vin et le vinaigre purs durant les longs voyages.En Amérique, les pioniers allant à l’ouest mettaient des pièces en argent et cuivre dans leurs réservoirs d’eau pour la garder propre.En fait, “être né avec une cuillère en argent dans la bouche “ ne fait pas référence à la richesse mais à la santé.Au début du 18ème siècle les bébés qui étaient nourris avec des cuillères en argent étaient en meilleure santé que ceux nourris avec des cuillères fait d’autres métaux, et les tétines en argent ont trouvé une grande utilisation en Amérique grâce à leurs effets bénéfiques sur la santé.L’argent a été utilisé depuis des milliers d’années pour les soins.On pense que l’argent est un désinfectant systémique et fonctionne comme un deuxième système immunitaire.Puisque l’argent ne tue que les bactéries qui sont anaérobiques (qui respirent du nitrogène), les bonnes bactéries dans le système digestif en sont immunisées du fait qu’elles respirent de l’oxygène ( aérobiques). “ce que nous avons actuellement fait était de redécouvrir le fait que l’argent tue les pathogènes, chose qui était connue depuis des centaines d’années quand les antibiotiques ont été découverts, l’utilisation clinique de l’argent comme antibiotique a été écartée.” Robert O, Becker M.D.

Comment faire de l'argent colloïdal ?Vous aurez besoin de :Un récipient en verre (vous pouvez utiliser plusieurs litres).
Une minuterie (celle de votre smartphone est gratuite).
Deux tiges d'argent certifiées pures à 99,99% (moins de 30 $).
De l'eau distillée que l'on peut trouver en pharmacie ou en faire avec un distillateur d'eau (moins de 100 $).
Un vieux chargeur de smartphone ou un transformateur de P.C (moins de 10 $).
Un testeur de T.D.S (moins de 5 $).
Mettez l'eau distillée dans un récipient en verre.
Placez les deux tiges d'argent précédemment fixées sur chaque pôle du chargeur dans l'eau avec uniquement l'argent en contact avec l'eau.
Branchez le chargeur et mettez d'abord une minuterie d'une heure. Après cette heure, essuyez les tiges avec un chiffon propre, puis mettez une minuterie toutes les 30 minutes pour nettoyer les tiges, car elles s'encrassent plus rapidement après la première heure.
Après 4 à 5 heures de nettoyage des tiges toutes les demi-heures, l’eau obtiendra entre 10 et 15 P.P.M, ce qui peut être vérifié à l’aide du testeur TDS, 15 P.P.M suffisent et c’est le maximum que vous pouvez obtenir si vous souhaitez conserver l’eau claire, si vous dépassez 15 P.P.M, l’eau devient de plus en plus jaune, ce qui signifie que l’eau devient de plus en plus saturée de particules d’argent.Versez l'argent colloïdal dans des bouteilles propres à travers un filtre pour éliminer les impuretés, c'est terminé.J'ai fait tester mon argent colloïdal dans un laboratoire et ils ont trouvé exactement 15 P.P.M dans le flacon de 15 P.P.M que je leur ai donné et que j'ai testé avec mon testeur T.D.S, j'ai donc eu la preuve du bon fonctionnement de ce genre de testeur pour tester l'argent colloïdal.T.D.S: Total des solides dissous.
P.P.M: particules par million.

Colloidal gold

Colloidal gold is produced only from distilled water and 99.99% pure gold electrodes using the electric arc method, without any other additives or chemicals.Light purple in color obtained by high voltage, it is the only true quality of colloidal gold, guaranteed non-toxic.

PropertiesColloidal gold has balancing and harmonizing properties on all levels of the body, mind and spirit.According to several studies, colloidal gold increases mental acuity, strengthens its functions and the ability to concentrate by increasing the conductivity between nerve endings in the body and on the surface of the brain.It has anti-inflammatory properties, which relieve arthritis, bursitis, rheumatism and tendonitis.
It is also known to rejuvenate the glands and positively influence the heat mechanisms of our body resulting in a decrease in temperature-related issues, such as hot flashes, chills and night sweats.
It stimulates the nerves, resulting in a decrease in nerve pressure.
It tones the sexual organs, reduces impotence and works as an aphrodisiac.
Its regular consumption has also been linked to increased longevity.
It relieves diseases caused by the consumption of polluted foods, because it eliminates waste and toxins that may be contained in the body.
It is used to improve mental functioning and emotional states.
It is used in the treatment of anxiety, sadness, depression because gold is a catalyst for endorphins, the hormone of happiness, as well as the antioxidant enzyme (SOD) a major weapon against oxidative stress and its consequences.
It helps to treat addictions related to alcohol, nicotine, drugs, caffeine, sugar, etc.
It should also be noted that the first consumer of gold in our body is our brain, which explains why a cure of colloidal gold acts on our entire body and our well-being.

UsesThe average dosage of colloidal gold is about 10 ml 2 to 3 times a day.For better absorption, it is advisable to keep the colloidal gold under the tongue for at least 30 seconds before swallowing.In order to obtain optimal benefits, we recommend that you take cures of at least 21 days.A 500ml bottle will last two weeks at a rate of 30 ml per day.Overdosing is not dangerous.Store colloidal gold at room temperature and away from light.


HistoryThe first uses of gold as a healing substance date back to antiquity, particularly in Egypt and China. The metal was then credited with a wide variety of benefits, believing that regular consumption of gold rejuvenated people.In the 16th century, the famous German physician Paracelsus (1493-1541) developed the first drinkable gold solution. He named his purple gold solution "Aurum Potabile" (Drinkable Gold). Paracelsus then wrote "Of all elixirs, gold is supreme and the most important for us, it keeps the body new, renews and restores." He also said that he took gold as a prophylactic measure, thus protecting himself against infections such as the plague.Colloidal gold does not have the same antibacterial germicidal action as colloidal silver.Unlike colloidal silver, colloidal gold does not only work on the body but also on the mind.In 2006, the British Journal of Dermatology published the results of a group of researchers, 23 patients with discoid lupus were treated with gold orally, 19 showed an improvement in their condition and 4 were completely cured. A similar observation was already made by H.E Miller almost 80 years earlier in 1928.Nowadays, many consume small amounts of gold without knowing it, since gold is used as a food additive, E175, which is nothing other than 24-carat gold.Contemporary research is now focusing more on the field of use of gold nanoparticles, used in particular in the fight against cancer.Colloidal gold is tasteless and non-toxic.

InformationMany products claiming to be colloidal gold are actually ionic gold, which is not the same thing.In an ionic solution, gold is in the form of ions instead of particles.Ionic gold, which is ruby red instead of light purple, is produced from gold chloride, which is a neurotoxin. This is why many unscrupulous producers refrain from mentioning it on their products.The number of particles cannot be tested with a TDS because the size of the gold particles is too small.Since information on this subject is scarce on the internet, if you want to produce colloidal gold yourself, do not hesitate to contact me, I will be happy to explain to you what tools you need, where to get them and how to do it.

How to make colloidal gold?You need:A glass container (you can use several liters).
A timer (the one on your smartphone is free).
Two gold rods certified as 99.99% pure (around €100).
Distilled water that can be found in pharmacies or made with a water distiller (approximately €100).
A 10,000 volt neon transformer (approximately €25).
Put the gold wire rods connected to the transformer very close to each other in the water so that the electricity forms an arc under the water. The gold wire rods will melt, and you will have to readjust them closer to make an electric arc, once the gold wire rods no longer melt and the water turns purple, it means that the water is saturated with gold.Then just pour the colloidal gold water into clean bottles, and you're done.The TDS tester does not work with gold because the particles are too small.The gold concentration can also be checked with a laser for the Tyndall effect.Be very careful with the 10000 volt transformer, it is very painful and dangerous to receive a shock of this magnitude.(The prices and links given are those that I advise based on my personal research on and, I am not affiliated with any of these companies.)

Or colloidal

L'or colloïdal produit uniquement à partir d'eau distillée et d'électrodes en or pur à 99,99% en utilisant la méthode de l'arc électrique sans aucun autre additif ou produit chimique.D'une couleur violet clair obtenue par une haute tension, c'est la seule vraie qualité d'or colloïdal, garantie non toxique.

PropriétésL’or colloïdal a des propriétés équilibrantes et harmonisantes sur tous les niveaux du corps, mental et esprit.Selon plusieurs études, l'or colloïdal augmenterait l'acuité mentale, renforcerait ses fonctions et l'habileté à se concentrer en augmentant la conductivité entre les terminaisons nerveuses dans le corps et à la surface du cerveau.Il possède des propriétés anti-inflammatoires, qui soulagent l'arthrite, la bursite, les rhumatismes et les tendinites.
Il est aussi connu pour rajeunir les glandes et influer positivement sur les mécanismes de chaleur de notre corps résultant en une diminution de questions ayant trait à la température, comme les bouffées de chaleur, des frissons et sueurs nocturnes.
Il stimule les nerfs, résultant en une diminution de la pression nerveuse.
Il tonifie les organes sexuels, réduit l’impuissance et fonctionne comme un aphrodisiaque.
Sa consommation régulière a également été liée à l’augmentation de la longévité.
Il soulage les maladies dues à la consommation d’aliments pollués, car il élimine les déchets et les toxines qui peuvent être contenus dans l’organisme.
Il est utilisé pour améliorer le fonctionnement mental et les états émotionnels.
Il est sollicité dans le traitement de l’anxiété, tristesse, dépression puisque l’or est un catalyseur d'endorphine, l’hormone du bonheur, ainsi que l’enzyme antioxydante (SOD) une arme majeure contre le stress oxydant et ses conséquences.
Il aide à soigner les dépendances liées à l'alcool, la nicotine, les drogues, la caféine, le sucre, etc.
Il faut aussi savoir que le premier consommateur d’or dans notre organisme est notre cerveau, ce qui explique qu’une cure d’or colloïdal agit sur l’ensemble de notre corps et de notre bien-être.

UtilisationLe dosage moyen d’or colloïdal est d'environ 10 ml 2 à 3 fois par jour.Pour une meilleure absorption, il est conseillé de garder l’or colloïdal sous la langue au moins 30 secondes avant de l’avaler.Afin d’obtenir des bénéfices optimaux, nous vous recommandons d’effectuer des cures d'au moins 21 jours.Une bouteille de 500 ml durera deux semaines à raison de 30 ml par jour.Le surdosage n'est pas dangereux.Conserver l’or colloïdal à température ambiante et à l’abri de la lumière.

HistoireLes premiers usages de l’or en tant que substance soignante remontent à l'Antiquité, notamment en Égypte et en Chine. On prêtait alors au métal une large variété de bénéfices en croyant que la consommation régulière d’or rajeunissait les personnes.Au 16ᵉ siècle, il revient au célèbre médecin allemand Paracelse (1493-1541) l’élaboration de la première solution d’or buvable, il nomma sa solution violette d’or « Aurum Potabile » (Or potable). Paracelse écrit alors « De tous les élixirs, l’or est suprême et le plus important pour nous, il garde le corps neuf, renouvelle et restaure. » Il dit également avoir pris l’or comme mesure prophylactique, se protégeant ainsi contre les infections comme la peste.L’or colloïdal n’a pas la même action germicide anti-bactérienne que l’argent colloïdal.À la différence de l’argent colloïdal, l’or colloïdal n’opère pas uniquement sur le corps, mais aussi sur l’esprit.En 2006, le British Journal of Dermatology publie les résultats d’un groupe de chercheurs, 23 patients atteints de Lupus discoïde furent traités avec de l’or par voie orale, 19 démontrèrent une amélioration de leur condition et 4 furent complètement guéris. Une observation similaire fut déjà faite par H.E Miller presque 80 ans plus tôt en 1928.De nos jours, beaucoup consomment de petites quantités d’or sans le savoir, puisque l’or est utilisé comme additif alimentaire, le E175, qui n’est rien d’autre que de l’or 24 carats.La recherche contemporaine se mobilise aujourd’hui davantage sur le champ d’utilisation des nanoparticules d’or, utilisées notamment dans la lutte contre le cancer.L’or colloïdal est insipide et non toxique.

InformationsPlusieurs produits affirmant être de l'or colloïdal sont en fait de l'or ionique, ce qui n'est pas la même chose.Dans une solution ionique, l'or se trouve sous la forme d'ions au lieu de particules.L’or ionique qui est rouge rubis au lieu de violet clair est produit à partir de chlorure d'or qui est un neurotoxique. Voilà pourquoi beaucoup de producteurs peu scrupuleux s'abstiennent de le mentionner sur leur produit.Le nombre de particules ne peuvent pas être testées avec un TDS, car la taille des particules d’or est trop petite.Vu que les informations à ce sujet sont rares sur internet, si vous désirez produire de l'or colloïdal vous-même, n'hésitez pas à me contacter, je vous expliquerai avec plaisir de quels outils vous avez besoin, où vous les procurer et comment faire.

Comment faire de l'or colloïdal ?Il vous faut :
Un récipient en verre (vous pouvez utiliser plusieurs litres).
Une minuterie (celle de votre smartphone est gratuite).
Deux tiges d'or certifiées pures à 99,99% (environ 100€).
De l'eau distillée que l'on peut trouver en pharmacie ou en faire avec un distillateur d'eau (approximativement 100€).
Un transformateur pour néon de 10 000 volts (approximativement 25€).
Mettez les tiges de fil d'or connectées au transformateur très proches les unes des autres dans l'eau afin que l'électricité forme un arc sous l'eau. Les tiges de fil d'or vont fondre et vous devrez les réajuster plus près pour faire un arc électrique, une fois que les tiges de fil d'or ne fondent plus et que l'eau devient violette, cela signifie que l'eau est saturée d'or.Il suffit ensuite de verser l’eau d’or colloïdale dans des bouteilles propres et c’est terminé.Le testeur T.D.S ne fonctionne pas avec l'or, car les particules sont trop petites.La concentration en or peut également être vérifiée avec un laser pour l'effet Tyndall.Soyez très prudent avec le transformateur 10000 volts, il est très douloureux et dangereux de recevoir une décharge de cette ampleur.(Les prix et liens donnés sont ceux que je conseille par rapport à mes recherches personnelles sur et, je ne suis affilié à aucune de ces sociétés.)